Sunday, March 30, 2008

Public Meeting on residential infill -- APRIL 2

From Raleigh City Planning:

Department of City Planning to Host Meeting Regarding Residential Infill

The Department of City Planning will host a public meeting to discuss residential infill construction. The public meeting will reveal the results of a six-month study of residential demolition and reconstruction. The study was authorized by City Council in July of 2007, and examines residential building patterns from 2002-2007. An analysis of issued demolition permits and building permits cross-referenced with GIS data and field survey results form the basis of the study.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 in the Carolina Room at the Progress Energy Center (2 E. South Street). The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. A presentation of the collected data will be followed by pictures of examples of recently constructed homes and examination of their characteristics.

It is the intent of City staff to examine the data in a public forum in an attempt to determine if a problem exists, and in that event, suggest possible solutions.

This is the first of two public meetings to discuss residential infill construction. The second meeting will be held in late May or early June. The date, time and place will be finalized at a later date. City staff hopes to present an impact report to the City Council by July of 2008.