Preservation and Redevelopment of the American City: The Charleston Experience, April 28, 2008, 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m., Longview Center, in downtown Raleigh
Charleston is recognized as one of the most livable and progressive cities in the United States. Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr., will share his insight into the role of public leadership in historic preservation and community development.
Mayor Riley is widely recognized as one of the most visionary and highly effective governmental leaders in America. He is serving an unprecedented eighth term as mayor of Charleston. Under his leadership, Charleston has increased its commitment to racial harmony and progress, achieved a substantial decrease in crime, experienced a remarkable revitalization of its historic downtown business district, and seen the creation and growth of Spoleto Festival U.S. A., built Waterfront Park, developed nationally-acclaimed affordable housing, and experienced unprecedented growth. Mayor Riley has led a city government with an impressive record of innovation in public safety, housing, arts and culture, children’s issues, the creation of park and other public spaces, and economic revitalization and development.
For more information, please contact Tania Tully, 516-2674, Tania.tully@ci.raleigh.nc.us.