Friday, June 30, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall -- July 3, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall
July 3, 2017

Community SCALE wants you to be aware of what’s happened/what’s coming up at City Hall each week.  

Please feel free to forward this email.  If someone forwarded it to you and you want to be added to our email list, please email

NOTE:  If you are a CAC leader, please add to your email distribution list so we can help publicize your activities.  Also if you’d like us to add your group’s email distribution list to ours, please send it to us.

Week of July 3
Here are some of the events planned for the coming week.  It’s always helpful to have community members attend to show interest in these topics, ask questions, etc.  If you plan to attend any of these meetings, we’ll be glad to include your meeting summary in future articles.

Wednesday, July 5
1pm & 7pm – City CouncilAgenda includes

Evening session includes public hearings on:

1. 2017 Transportation Bond Referendum
2. Petition Annexations
3. Street Closing STC-02-2017: Star Street
4. Street Closing STC-03-2017: Bagwell Avenue Alley
5. Utility Extension Agreement - 264 Investments - Continued Hearing
6. Rezoning Case Z-1-17 Falls of Neuse Road
7. Rezoning Case Z-4-17 M.E. Valentine Drive
8. Rezoning Case Z-5-17 Blue Ridge Road
9. Rezoning Case Z-7-17 Paint Rock Lane
10. Rezoning Case Z-8-17 Fox Road
11. Rezoning Case Z-32-16 Hillsborough Street
12. Rezoning Case Z-40-16 Oak Forest Road
13. Rezoning Case Z-46-16 Harden Road
14. Rezoning Case Z-42-15 Lake Wheeler Road
15. Text Change TC-3-17: Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District (-ADOD)
16. Text Change TC-20-16 Construction Barrier Safety Fencing

Thursday, July 6
10am – 2pm -- Planning 100 by 100 Pop-Up, Market & Exchange Plazas

Week of June 26

June 27 Hillsborough CAC and Wade CAC joint meeting.  Good attendance.  Bob Geary reported on his conversations with the mayor about CACs, and seemed cautiously optimistic about the Mayor’s promise to launch a citywide process within the next month or so, led by outside experts, to improve citizen participation in Raleigh government. The time frame could be as much as 2-3 years.  Residents should continue letting elected officials know how valuable CACs are.

The Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been updated with it's 3rd Supplement, January 2017 by adding the following text changes:
Falls of Neuse Area Plan Update
  • The City of Raleigh is in the process of updating the Falls of Neuse Area Plan, which includes the area along Falls of Neuse Road from Durant Road to just north of the Neuse River.
  • On June 21, the city held a workshop to explore potential land use scenarios at key locations along the corridor. Attendees were asked to consider alternatives and provide feedback on the options. View the presentation from the meeting.
  • In order to obtain a broad range of input, the city has created an online survey based on the options presented at the workshop. Access the survey, and provide your feedback. Please provide responses by Friday, July 21.
  • For questions, more information, or to provide your comments via email or phone, please contact Jason Hardin, the project manager for the plan update, at 919-996-2657 or at

All meetings at Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Go to to find links to latest meeting agendas and materials and also for updates on meeting cancellations.

Friday, June 23, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall -- June 26, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall
June 26, 2017

Community SCALE wants you to be aware of what’s happened/what’s coming up at City Hall each week.  

Please feel free to forward this email.  If someone forwarded it to you and you want to be added to our email list, please email

Week of June 26
Here are some of the events planned for the coming week.  It’s always helpful to have community members attend to show interest in these topics, ask questions, etc.  If you plan to attend any of these meetings, we’ll be glad to include your meeting summary in future articles.

Saturday, June 24

Monday, June 26

Tuesday, June 27
  • 9am – Planning Commission – Agenda includes Cameron Village and Hillsborough Street Area Plans
  • 7pm – Comprehensive Plan Update – Pioneers Building, Method Road Community Park, 514 Method Road:  The theme will be transportation, including a vision for future development of the city’s connectivity network for all modes of transportation, public transit systems, greenways, and bicycle and pedestrian networks.
  • 7pm – Hillsborough CAC and Wade CAC joint meeting, Jaycee Park Community Center, 2405 Wade Avenue

Wednesday, June 28
  • Growth & Natural Resources Committee meeting is CANCELLED

Week of June 19
June 17 DDNA (District D Neighborhood Alliance) meeting featured City of Raleigh Right-of-Way Manager Noah Otto discussing small cell phone towers/wireless infrastructure in City right-of-way.  Small towers can be between 35-120 feet tall, providing a faster connection than a taller 300 foot tower.  Safety, health, and historic overlay would be the only reasons to deny a tower placement, and historic overlay may be removed at the federal level.  A model ordinance currently is being worked on, as well as a map for the city website that would show where the small towers are.  45 locations are pending approval; 10 to 20 have been approved.

All meetings at Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Go to to find links to latest meeting agendas and materials and also for updates on meeting cancellations.

Friday, June 16, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall -- June 19, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall
June 19, 2017

Community SCALE wants you to be aware of what’s happened/what’s coming up at City Hall each week.  

Please feel free to forward this email.  If someone forwarded it to you and you want to be added to our email list, please email

Week of June 19
Here are some of the events planned for the coming week.  It’s always helpful to have community members attend to show interest in these topics, ask questions, etc.  If you plan to attend any of these meetings, we’ll be glad to include your meeting summary in future articles.

Saturday, 6/17
  • 8:30am – DDNA – Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center, 5611 Jaguar Park Drive:  Noah Otto, the City's Right-of-Way Manager in Development Engineering Division, will lead a discussion on small cell towers. Councilor Crowder will give a general update.

Tuesday, 6/20
  • 9am – Text Change Committee, Room 303 – Agenda includes
    • TC-04-17 – Green Infrastructure Low Impact Development
    • TC-12-17 – Historic Alley Transition
  • 11:30am – City Council Work Session – beginning June 20, the City is switching to paperless agendas
  • 1pm – City Council meeting – beginning June 20, the City is switching to paperless agendas
  • 7pm – Comprehensive Plan Update – Marsh Creek Community Center, 3050 N. New Hope Road:  Theme is Development Transitions – as many people continue to move to the region and as interest grows in walkable urban living, Raleigh is beginning to grow up as much as it grows out
  • 7pm – North CAC – Abbott Creek Community Center, 9950 Durant Road

Wednesday, 6/21
  • 7pm – RCAC
  • 7pm – Falls of Neuse Area Plan Community Workshop, Durant Road Middle School, 10401 Durant Road:  Aimed at exploring different development scenarios.  For more information contact or 919-996-2657
    • 12n – COR Museum, 220 Fayetteville Street:  Robin Moore on Biophilic Design – Making Raleigh a Healthy Habitat for Human Development
    • 6pm – NC Museum of Natural Science, 11 W. Jones Street:  Florence Williams on Your Brain on Nature – Awe, Biophilia, and Power of our Nature Neurons

Thursday, 6/22

Week of June 12
June 14 Comprehensive Plan Update meeting on Housing – Terry Snyder reports:  I attended the Comprehensive Plan Update meeting on Housing.  There was an excellent turnout of residents, many from southeast Raleigh. The only politicians present that I was aware of were Yvonne Holley and Olen Watson.  Both of them were vocal during the Question and Answer Session.  Both city staff and the audience were very engaged.

The main focus of the discussion was on affordable housing for residents.  East Raleigh is experiencing the impact of the market trend to live close to downtown.  The big problem is that we can't control market growth and state law limits what cities can do.  A number of initiatives are in place to provide more affordable housing addressed by the RCP.  Yvonne Holley said that there is no money coming down the pike from the federal government under the current administration. 

Some issues that were brought up by the audience were problems with slum landlords, dirty water in one neighborhood, builders preying on older residents to sell under market value, gentrification, building "huge plantation houses in black neighborhoods,” etc.  

People in the audience requested that notification for meetings be posted ahead of time and in more visible ways.  Both the audience (residents) and city staff agreed that more meetings between them were needed to better address issues related to the impact of growth and development.  

All meetings at Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Go to to find links to latest meeting agendas and materials and also for updates on meeting cancellations.

Friday, June 9, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall -- June 12, 2017

This Week/Next Week at City Hall
June 12, 2017

Community SCALE wants you to be aware of what’s happened/what’s coming up at City Hall each week.  

Please feel free to forward this email.  If someone forwarded it to you and you want to be added to our email list, please email

Week of June 12
Here are some of the events planned for the coming week.  It’s always helpful to have community members attend to show interest in these topics, ask questions, etc.  If you plan to attend any of these meetings, we’ll be glad to include your meeting summary in future articles.

Monday, 6/12
  • 4pm – City Council Budget Work Session, Council Chambers
  • 7pm – South CAC – Sanderford Road Neighborhood Center, 2623 Sanderford Road
  • 7pm – Southwest CAC – Carolina Pines Community Center, 2305 Lake Wheeler Road

Tuesday, 6/13
  • 9am – Planning Commission, Council Chambers, Agenda includes
    • TC-3-2017 Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay District
    • Z-8-17 Fox Road
    • Z-1-17 Falls of Neuse Road
  • 4pm – City Council Work Session, Conference Room 305, Agenda includes
    • Milburnie Dam Removal
    • Raleigh Union Station Leases
    • Multi-family Recycling Services
  • 7pm – Forestville CAC – Abbotts Creek Community Center, 9950 Durant Road
  • 7pm – Mordecai CAC – Mordecai Historic Park Visitor Center, 1101 Wake Forest Road
  • 7pm – North Central CAC – Tarboro Road Community Center, 121 N. Tarboro Road
  • 7pm – Northwest CAC – Lake Lynn Community Center, 7921 Ray Road

Wednesday, 6/14

Thursday, 6/15
  • 7pm – Atlantic CAC – Green Road Community Center, 4201 Green Road

Week of June 5
June 6 City Council Meeting
  • The Mayor began the evening session with the following statement:
“Before we start tonight, I do have a few comments that I would like to make. I do want to take a few moments now and acknowledge the concerns that have been circulating in the community regarding the future of the CACs. The CACs have not been disbanded or changed in any way.

I believe every member of this City Council understands and values the important role the CACs have had and continue to play in citizen engagement. I’m very glad that you’re all here tonight.

The CAC Chairs, and those that work through the CACs, are the resource that we need to figure out how to improve citizen engagement in this growing city. I want everyone to know that I am committed to a citizen engagement process that includes everyone. And I mean everyone.

What we’re doing now is starting a community wide discussion on how we better communicate and engage with the public; now that we are a community that is approaching a half a million people. And I apologize that our communication attempts have failed in conveying that message. I know that it has come across as an attempt to disband the CACs, and that is not the intent of this process.

I would like to reiterate that I appreciate the work of the Citizen Engagement Task Force, however, we need to acknowledge that at this time, that those that have been actively involved in citizen engagement through their CACs, feel that their voice has not been heard…and has not had the opportunity to be heard.

So before we move forward, I would like to say ‘let’s pause and take a breath’; it’s more important to get this right than it is to rush through a process that people have concerns about right off the bat. So I would like to suggest that our next step be a Council work session that includes a consultant that will facilitate an open dialogue and help bring a consensus around how we proceed. And how we move forward. I think we can all agree that we do share a common goal and that is ‘how do we improve citizen engagement in Raleigh?’

So thank you all for indulging me in those couple of minutes before we start.”

Following the mayor’s statement, more than 20 individuals spoke in support of CACs and the council chambers were filled to overflowing with CAC supporters.

Both the News & Observer and The Indy reported on the meeting.  Be sure to read the online comments.

  • In the earlier afternoon session, City Council voted unanimously to apply for an Oberlin Village Historic Overlay District.

All meetings at Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Go to to find links to latest meeting agendas and materials.