Sunday, October 5, 2008


The Latta House Foundation, its supporters and the community of Oberlin Village realize that change is inevitable. We have learned to take the bitter with the sweet. We can appreciate the diversity and opportunities it may bring, but not at the expense of completely losing our history and character of our community. We urge you to attend Raleigh’s City Council meeting this Tuesday, 9/7 /09 at 1pm. We are asking City Council to vote NO to Rezoning Case Z-040-08.

Email City Council today with the following letter. Just cut and paste. If you’re not a resident, simply omit the sentence in bold print. You can send this as a group (and/or) individual. Let the city know that we are a village with a voice! Visit for updated information and to post a comment. Pick up your free yard sign at 2506 Van Dyke. Please share this attachment.

Judith Guest,
Executive Director
Latta House Foundation


Mayor & Council,

Re: Rezoning Case Z-040-08

This proposed Cameron Village streetscape plan amendment requiring a zoning change will have serious consequences for Oberlin Village and needs to be studied further to understand the impact of traffic on the surrounding neighborhoods and the city's infrastructure. I am requesting an infrastructure/traffic study before the zoning change to insure proper growth for Cameron Village that will not negatively impact Oberlin Village. I do not want this zoning change to set a precedent that everyone will regret and ask that the city put forth proper planning to ensure this does not happen. Further, University Park Homeowners Association does not represent me or my neighbors here in Oberlin Village. Please send this case to committee on Tuesday so the impacts can be adequately examined and addressed for the entire Cameron Village/Oberlin Road area.



Email the Entire City Council