Monday, October 31, 2016

Action Alert: Stormwater Ordinance at City Council Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov 1, Public Hearing at 7 PM in Raleigh City Council Chambers
Subject: TC-2-16, residential stormwater exemptions and limits

  • Did you know that the City of Raleigh currently does not have an ordinance regulating the control of drainage water from new construction in older residential lots? 
  • Did you know that there is no limit at this time to the amount of impervious surface allowed in infill construction?

This is why so many older neighborhoods, and existing homes, are being affected by new drainage problems, why our creeks are showing red clay runoff, and why so much vegetation can be replaced by concrete. This has been an expensive problem for many unsuspecting homeowners.

A Text Change to the Unified Development Ordinance is ready to be presented to the City Council this Tuesday at a public hearing. Ordinance TC-2-16 is based on the recommendations of the Stormwater Management Advisory Commission, who began their work in 2013 at the recommendation of the City Council. This year the recommendations on impervious surface limits for infill construction have been reviewed in the Planning Commission, who recommended this text-change, and discussed at "stakeholder" meetings between residents and the builders, facilitated by the Stormwater Division.

There are a few details that either perspective would like adjusted, but the urgency of getting code in place to protect all homeowners NOW is foremost.

The updated text of the change can be found here,

What you can do:

  • Please write the City Council today and say YES to TC-2-16. 
  • Plan to attend the public hearing tomorrow and show your support for regulations. 
  • Consider telling your story at the hearing if you have been affected by this problem. 
If you intend to present, the City will need 12 copies of your pictures to pass to the Council and officials. Comments must be concise and take less than 3 minutes. Do not be repetitive to others comments. 

If you cannot attend, but have a story to share, please write the council today so that they may consider your viewpoint in their deliberations. Be concise, and share a picture if you can. 

Click here to write your City Council

YES to TC-2-16 now!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

ALERT: Presentation on Neighborhood Conservation Overlays

You are invited to attend the
Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council Meeting.

 Wednesday, September 21, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Meetings are open to everyone and are
held in the Avery C. Upchurch Government Complex 
City Council Chamber Rm. 201, 222 W. Hargett St., downtown Raleigh. 
Free parking at night on street or in municipal deck.

At this meeting City Planning Staff Members will present information about overlay protections that the City of Raleigh offers to preserve neighborhood character. These overlays are the NCOD (Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District) and the HOD (Historic Overlay District). 
 If you can't be there - you can watch the videotape later on:

I. Welcome, CAC Introductions and Key Updates 7:00
II. Approval of July 20, 2016 RCAC Meeting Minutes 
III. Chair Announcements : Carole Meyre 
IV. Wake-Up Wake County – Anne Franklin 
V. NCOD & HOD Presentation – Bynum Walters & Tania Tully 7:20-8:20 p.m.
Old Business 8:10 – 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Short-Term Rentals

As noted in this article in the News & Observer, the proposal for allowing short-term residential rentals is headed to the Raleigh City Council on June 7.

For more information:

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Glenwood Gridlock committee needs your voice

Raleigh’s need for growth and development must be balanced with keeping our neighborhoods vibrant and our roads navigable.  This, however, is not going to happen by itself.
Right now you can add your voice to those living in the neighborhoods bordering Glen Eden and Country Club Hills who believe they have no choice but to respond to concerns of size and scale proposed by Grubb Ventures for Glenwood Place development on Glenwood Avenue. 
The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) will become effective on February 14, 2016.  In the UDO the City has zoned commercial properties throughout Raleigh with the intent that sustainable growth could occur if the limits of the UDO were not arbitrarily changed.  Consistent with earlier land use plans, most all of Glenwood Place was zoned OX-5 (a small part is OX-7).  The OX-5 zoning district limits buildings to five stories.  In its zoning petition, Grubb Ventures wants to rezone the property to allow 3 buildings of up to 12 stories. It also plans up to 800 apartments, a hotel with up to 250 rooms, up to 787,600 square feet of new office space and a maximum of 140,000 square feet of retail space.  (Refer to our Glenwood Gridlock Facebook page for more information.) 

The only access to Glenwood Place is Glenwood Avenue.  But drive around just a little and you will see that even small shopping centers have multiple entrances; for instance Glenwood Village can be entered and left from Oberlin Road, Glenwood Avenue or Lake Boone Trail.  And not only will the proposed expansion of Glenwood Place cause more and longer gridlock on Glenwood, it will push frustrated motorists looking for shortcuts into our neighborhoods, ultimately disrupting safety and property values. For this reason we believe that the proposed rezoning is just too much for a property so close to the Beltline.  If you agree that City Council should uphold, and Glenwood Place should respect, the building height limitations, we ask You to sign our Glenwood Gridlock petition on and help us reach 300 signatures. 
Anyone who cares about this issue can sign the petition, so consider sharing this email with your family and friends. 

Bike Plan -- last chance to comment

Please read and comment to make the plan better - and biking safer! 
Comment on BikeRaleigh Plan
The BikeRaleigh Plan Update to the existing bike plan, adopted in 2009, incorporates lessons learned in Raleigh and nationally in the last five years. The plan lays out a strategy for the next five to 10 years to improve the health, safety and transportation options for Raleighites.
Now that the draft is finished the project team needs to make sure it hits the right targets. Does the plan include the right types of bike infrastructure? Identify the correct mix of priority projects? Establish the right long-term vision to meet Raleighs needs?
The last day the team can accept comments is January 31.