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The City of Raleigh released the 2nd draft of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the new development regulations proposed for the City of Raleigh, on January 3rd. This is the “official “ public hearing draft.
The initial public hearing for the UDO, a special joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission, is scheduled on Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chamber. Following the public hearing, the draft is automatically referred to the Planning Commission. It has the obligation to return its recommendations back to City Council no later than early June.
The City recently uploaded two new documents to Raleigh’s New Development Code webpage…
The UDO will determine how well Raleigh grows during the 21st century. If you don’t have time to review the draft, consider reading these documents
Philip W Poe
Five Points CAC co-chair
Be Informed! Be Heard!