Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Form-Based Code Workshop: 02/03/10, 6:30 PM

The City of Raleigh is revamping its development code in the form of a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO seeks to translate Raleigh’s goals and aspirations for the built environment, as set forth in the recently adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan, into clear code standards that produce a predictable built form. Applying the right rules in the right places is essential for success.

The workshop is free and open to the public


An Introduction to Form-Based Coding
February 3, 2010
6:30 p.m.. – 8:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, Room 201
Raleigh Municipal Building

Learn everything there is to know about how urban form can be integrated in the UDO and what tools may be used in Raleigh at the neighborhood and citywide level.

Get answers to these questions:
· What is a form-based code?

· What tools are available to achieve good urban form?

· What are some examples of using form-based code and tools in other cities?

· How might the code and tools be used in Raleigh?

Bring your own questions to the Q&A session.

Lee Einsweiler is a planner with over twenty-five years of experience in a variety of settings. As a principal at Code Studio, Lee’s projects involve planning, zoning and plan implementation. Lee has sharpened his skills by preparing zoning and subdivision regulations for jurisdictions across the country, and has been personally responsible for over 50 code projects, including complete revision and adoption of over 20 codes. Lee’s recent work focuses on redevelopment activity in urban areas, culminating in recent innovative projects in Dallas, Denver, Louisiana and Memphis. Versatile in both conventional zoning and new code approaches, Lee has prepared pure form-based codes and successfully incorporated form-based elements into conventional codes. Lee serves as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Community & Regional Planning at the University of Texas, teaching smart growth tools at the graduate level. He is a frequent speaker at state and national planning conferences on the issues of smart growth, form-based codes, transit-oriented development and mixed-use code concepts.